The new paradigm in sleep disorders & management

Introducing Orexin: The missing link in insomnia



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About this education

This educational webinar aims to update general practitioners regarding the emerging understanding of sleep, sleep physiology and sleep architecture that has taken insomnia out of a symptoms-based paradigm and into a recognition as a disorder in its own right.

Greater understanding of normal sleep, effective mechanisms for assessing sleep disorders, contemporary non-pharmacological advice are the basis of good sleep management in general practice.

The development of orexin-based agents for pharmacological management provides an alternative to the currently available GABA-agonist hypnotics currently used in insomnia in Australia.


Illustrate the pros, cons, risks and benefits of available pharmacological agents available for treating insomnia in Australia, including the pharmacological profile of orexin-antagonists.


Explain the five elements of normal sleep

By the end of this activity, you will be able to:


List an approach to behavioural interventions for insomnia appropriate for primary care.


Outline an evidence-based approach to assessing and differentiating insomnia and circadian rhythm disorders.


Summarise the role of orexin in sleep physiology and wakefulness

Learning Outcomes

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This was an excellent outline of dyslipidaemia management by both presenters. The best on the subject that I have been to in the last 2 years. Clear, concise and useful.

Live webinar attendee
Professor of Sleep Medicine

Prof. Ron Grunstein AM

Professor of Psychological Medicine

Prof. Nick Glozier

General Practitioner & leading medical educator

Dr. Anita Muñoz

Your Presenters

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Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Details

This medical education activity has been approved for 1 CPD hour with: 

Activity ID: 402698

Activity ID: TBC

Praxhub would like to acknowledge Eisai for their support of this education. The sponsor had not input into the development of this activity

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  • General Practitioner (RACGP)
  • General Practitioner (ACRRM)
  • Other Specialist
  • Allied Health including Nurses
  • IMG
  • Other
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