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How Praxhub works

Learn from the world's leading healthcare experts and organisations.
CPD made easy and free.

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With more organisations joining Praxhub all the time, there's a lot of education to suit your learning needs.

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CPD education made easy. Anywhere, anytime

Choose from videos, podcasts and interactive modules to suit your learning style. All accessible on any device.

Did you know that Praxhub can be installed on your phone?

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Learn at your own pace

Start and return to any education in your own time.

Track your CPD hours on Praxhub and download a certificate for eligible education activities.

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Learn directly from the world's experts


Praxhub is used by healthcare professionals in more than 85% of countries


Education activities from leading organisations and health experts


Hours of education viewed by Praxhub members

Praxhub is a trusted platform for some of the world's leading healthcare providers

Praxhub brings together the world's leading education providers. Save time by accessing more education conveniently hosted in the one place.
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
St Vincent's Hospital
Amicus Therapeutics
Mercy Health
The University of Melbourne
The Royal Melbourne Hospital
Immunisation Coalition
Orion Pharma
As a practising GP and medical educator, it can be challenging for many healthcare workers to attend physical meetings outside of clinic hours. Praxhub provides a convenient way to learn, across a range of clinical areas, from experts in their field.
Dr Anita Muñoz
General Practice, Australia

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Free for all healthcare professionals.